SEE the UNSEEN:クリエイティブ・プロデューサー、SHEENとの出会い
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with Sheen : Creative Producer at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー「SEE the UNSEEN」。
My name is SHEEN. I’ve worked in the game industry for over 20 years. I shipped titles like RAGE and DOOM as Animation Director, Quake Champions as Art Director, and Ghostwire Tokyo as Combat Director. Although I’m Japanese, I lived most of my life overseas. I spent my childhood in Germany, a primary school in Japan, junior high and high school in Indonesia, college in the US, and most of my gaming career in the US. So, UNSEEN feels very homey because the members are worldwide.
SHEENです。ゲーム業界で20年以上ゲームを制作しています。アニメーションディレクターとして『RAGE』と『DOOM』、アートディレクターとして『Quake Champions』、コンバットディレクターとして『Ghostwire Tokyo』などのタイトルに携わりました。日本人ですが、人生の大半を海外で過ごしてきました。幼少期はドイツ、小学校は日本、中学・高校はインドネシア、大学はアメリカ、そしてゲームのキャリアはほとんどアメリカで過ごしました。UNSEENはメンバーがワールドワイドなので、とてもアットホームな感じです。
Although I’m Japanese, I lived most of my life overseas. I’ve worked in the game industry for over 20 years. I shipped titles like RAGE and DOOM as Animation Director, Quake Champions as Art Director, and Ghostwire Tokyo as Combat Director.
日本人ですが、人生の大半を海外で過ごしてきました。ゲーム業界で20年以上ゲームを制作しています。アニメーションディレクターとして『RAGE』と『DOOM』、アートディレクターとして『Quake Champions』、コンバットディレクターとして『Ghostwire Tokyo』などのタイトルに携わりました。
The reef aquarium is my hobby. I have a few aquariums, and the largest one is 150 gallons. Something very magical about having a piece of ocean in a glass box. It is very interesting to see corals grow and observe them. I also enjoy the technical aspect of reef keeping, like filtration, biology, chemistry, lighting, and controllers.
▲ My Reef Friends
▲ サンゴ礁のお友達
▲ 150 Gallon Aquarium
▲ 570リッター水槽(もはや風呂)
I’m not an active type, but I got into rock climbing and have been climbing for over 15 years. I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of figuring out the climbing route and interacting with other climbers to help conquer the route. There are strange similarities to playing games. I enjoy both indoor and outdoor climbing. Japan has awesome bouldering areas. I highly recommend rock climbing!
▲ Bouldering in Mitakekeikoku Japan
▲ 御岳渓谷でボルダリング
I like tea. There are a few Mariage Frères shops in Tokyo where you can buy all kinds of flavored teas!
I get inspiration from refined and well-crafted products not limited to games, like Apple products, Tesla, hi-fi audio systems, etc. These things make me want to make games with high standards. I also get inspiration from technological advancement in computers. Seeing the latest and greatest GPU and display technology always gets me excited to build a game worthy of playing on them. Maybe because of this, I’m a light PC Master Race and Audiophile ^^; So I build my own PC and hi-fi audio systems.
ゲーム作品に限らず、アップル製品やテスラ、Hi-Fiオーディオシステムなど、洗練されたプロダクトからインスピレーションを受けます。そういうものを見ると、自分も高い水準のゲームを作りたくなるのです。また、コンピュータの技術的な進歩からもインスピレーションを受けます。GPUやディスプレイの最新技術を見ていると、その技術をいかしたゲームを作りたいと、いつもワクワクさせられます。 そんなこともあってか、軽度のPCマスターレースであり、オーディオマニアでもあります^^; だからPCもHi-Fiオーディオシステムも自作してニヤニヤしてます。
▲ Gaming PC Setup
▲ PCゲームシステム
Oh yeah, I also get inspired by Saitama from One Punch Man.
▲ This is on my office door
▲ 自分の部屋のドアにくっ付いてるやつ
I have the tendency to pick games that I really like and play them over and over. I recently got into PC gaming and multiplayer open-world survival craft genres like 7 Days to Die and Valheim and put in many hours. Before that, I was really into Dark Souls, Resident Evil 4, Pikmin, Armored Core2 Another Age, Tekken3, Samurai Showdown2, Tengai Makyō II, Mario Kart, Romancing Saga, R-TYPE, Super Mario Bros 3!
気に入ったゲームに出会うと、同じゲームを何度も何度も遊んでしまいます。最近はPCゲームの『7 Days to Die』や『Valheim』のようなマルチプレイのオープンワールドサバイバルクラフトというジャンルにハマってます。以前は、ダークソウル、バイオハザード4、ピクミン、アーマード・コア2アナザーエイジ、鉄拳3、真サムライスピリッツ、天外魔境II、マリオカート、ロマンシング・サガ、R-TYPE、スーパーマリオブラザーズ3などに夢中になっていました!
▲ 7 Days to Die
▲ Valheim
I got into games with GRADIUS on MSX! I never owned Nintendo. Instead, I had MSX, PC Engine, and NEO GEO CD in my early days.
でグラディウスをプレーしたのがきっかけです。実はファミコンは持ってませんでした。MSX, PC Engine, NEO GEO CDの順番で家庭用ゲーム機をアップグレードしていきました。
UNSEEN is a game studio with unique configurations. It is a brand-new studio located in Tokyo. Although the Studio is in Japan, it’s super international, with team members worldwide. This unique combination has huge potential to make a unique game experience because UNSEEN is making a game in an environment like no other.
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I’ve worked for game studios in US and Japan and have shipped titles in both. I hope to use my knowledge and experience to support the team. I like to contribute to making Unseen an even more, fun and exciting place to make games.
▲ Working on RAGE at id Software (Pretending to work for making-of)
▲ id SoftwareにてRAGE制作中の写真(フィクション)
Take the opportunities and try many things. Avoid putting constraints on yourself, especially when you are starting. In many cases, people underestimate their potential and talents. Starting is one of the most important things to do, don't talk yourself out of what you are excited about. Most likely, what you are passionate about is the right choice.
In our previous article SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Environment Technical Artist, Rodrigo Azevedo Bucek, he asks: “I know you lived in many different places during you career. How challenging was it to adapt to new countries, from a cultural/professional perspective?”
Hey Rod! It wasn't hard at all to adapt to the different countries. As far as the profession is concerned, my take on it is that studio cultures are very different per studio regardless of the country. Every place was great in its own way and gave me an opportunity to expand my perspective.
前記事 SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Environment Technical Artist, Rodrigo Azevedo Bucek からの質問:「キャリアを積む中で、さまざまな場所に住まわれたと思います。文化的・職業的な観点から、新しい国に適応することはどの程度困難でしたか?」
Rodさん!外国に適応するのは全然難しくなかったですよ~ 仕事に関して言えば、スタジオの文化は国に関係なくスタジオごとに大きく異なるものだと思ってます。 どの国もそれぞれ素晴らしく、自分の視野を広げる機会を与えてくれました。
Thank you for your time Sheen-san!
We look forward to showing everyone the amazing work you have been creating for UNSEEN.
▷▷▷ Next time, we will introduce ROB COLONICO - Level Designer at UNSEEN.
Please look forward to it.
Hey Rob, let me know where you think would be a fun level in Japan. I will go explore. Also, Rob, were you on Harry Potter by any chance?